Tiziano Palladino is a outstanding young talent from Italy, who performed today at the Italian Institute of Culture in Stockholm. It was a pure pleasure to get to know him and have an interesting conversation with him about music and the influence of the Neapolitan mandolin and its evolution and development trough the centuries. I´ve discovered that Mandolins involved from the lute family during the 17th and 18th centuries, produced particularly in Naples, became common in the 19th century.
Nowdays, the international repertoire of music for mandolin is almost unlimited, and Tiziano played all types of music from different era to prove that statement. From Johann Sebastian Bach, Wolfgand Amadeus Mozart, Antonio Riggieri, Isaak Albeniz, Giuseppe Pettine to modern Yusuo Kuwahara, Takashi Ochi and more…
This concerts was realized in the context of the project Suono Italiano 2018. He is a true virtuoso and he has a certain charisma and performance style along with a skill level and the variety of styles. His way of connecting with the audience was amazing, his play was mesmerizing!
Tiziano Palladiono is a name to remember! At the age of 18 he completed his degree in Mandolin and at 21 in Contrabass. He has graduated with highest honours in the Master´s Degree of chamber music!
He founded the Accademia Mandolinistica Molisana and the music groups Duo Idiallico and 14 Strings Duo.
Tiziano Palladino brings the feeling of Italy and the romantic ambience of that beautiful country and Napoli in particular .